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Are you looking for a car service in Cluj-Napoca? We know what most drivers face when they go to a car service and we aim to be more dedicated and more involved in solving your car problems. We do specialized car service: mechanical, electrical and functional repairs of your car.

service auto cluj


Service Auto Util offers you a complete car repair and maintenance services for your car

Car repairs

Top car service

We are a multi-brand service where you can come with any car model, from the simple Dacia Logan to the latest BMW 3 Series.

Our mechanics and mechanical engineers have over 15 years of experience and expertise in the field of automotive service.

We repair a multitude of car brands and solve any mechanical, electrical or functional problems your car has.

We are a member and partner in the AUTOMEISTER network.

If you have a problem with your car, just make an appointment or call us and maybe we can help you quickly and cheaply!

    • Car reviews and diagnostics
    • Engine segmentation
    • Change clutch kit
    • Distribution kit change
    • Adjustment of steering, suspension and wheel geometry
    • Repaired Air Conditioning / charging with freon
    • Electrical repairs and functionality
    • Transmission repairs
    • Exhaust system repair
    • Brake repairs and replacement
    • Oil and filter changes
    • Operation adjustments in engine parameters

Welcome to AutoUtil-Service.ro – auto service from Cluj-Napoca.

We want to bring in the car industry, especially the car service industry, a plus of quality, seriousness and professionalism. We have a dedicated and passionate team in the field of auto service.

We can help with the mechanical or electrical problems of your car.

We have a wide range of services for all brands of cars and vans and we consider that we can safely remedy any problems that may arise at your, climate, steering, braking, electrical systems of your car.

We offer transparency and seriousness to the customer, we try to offer the best solutions at the correct and advantageous costs, so that the customer’s car can operate in optimal and safe conditions.

We invite you to visit our website and if you have any questions we are at your disposal by email or by phone.

Best regards and drive safe, Service Auto Util


service auto cluj

    Do you have a problem with your car? Is there a strange noise on the engine or in some driving situations?
    Ask for free appointment and evaluation using the fields below.
    In the shortest time, an AutoUtil Service will contact you.

    You will be contacted during the working hours. Fields with * are required.

    Welcome to AutoUtil-Service.ro – auto service from Cluj-Napoca.

    We want to bring in the car industry, especially the car service industry, a plus of quality, seriousness and professionalism. We have a dedicated and passionate team in the field of auto service.

    We can help with the mechanical or electrical problems of your car.

    We have a wide range of services for all brands of cars and vans and we consider that we can safely remedy any problems that may arise at your, climate, steering, braking, electrical systems of your car.

    We offer transparency and seriousness to the customer, we try to offer the best solutions at the correct and advantageous costs, so that the customer’s car can operate in optimal and safe conditions.

    We invite you to visit our website and if you have any questions we are at your disposal by email or by phone.

    Best regards and drive safe, Service Auto Util


    service auto cluj

      Do you have a problem with your car? Is there a strange noise on the engine or in some driving situations?
      Ask for free appointment and evaluation using the fields below.
      In the shortest time, an AutoUtil Service will contact you.

      You will be contacted during the working hours. Fields with * are required.


      Some of the opinions of our customers, from Google Business.

      See more on google.com/maps

      Servicii de calitate superioara executate intr-un timp scurt de o echipa profesionista!

      Recomand Service Auto Util!

      Debreczeni Alexandru

      Schimbare distributie; revizie tehnica; reparare sistem clima. Mi -au identificat intotdeauna problema masinii si mi-au schimbat fix piesa de care era nevoie. Recomand cu incredere.

      Razvan Boncea

      Profesionalism, înțelegători și răbdători
      Preturi bune si manoperă de calitate.
      Recomand cu incredere.

      Alexandru Vlad

      Raport pret/calitate foarte bun. Recomand.Personal profesionist cu adevarate calitati tehnice.

      Horia Oprea

      De fiecare dată când vin la ei rămân plăcut surprins. Preturi decente. Personal onest și lucru impecabil.

      Radu Nemerenco

      Locatie usor accesibila cu parcare proprie si profesionisti desavarsiti. Excelent raport calitate pret, servicii rapide si de inalta clasa. Recomand cu toata increderea si cu siguranta voi reveni de fiecare data cand va fi nevoie!

      MnM Training

      Am fost la ei de 2 ori cu o Honda si am fost foarte multumit de cum au lucrat. La prima vizita am avut de schimbat destul de multe (bucse, bielete, 4 amortizoare, capuri bara, bujii). Au fost comunicativi si seriosi. Tot la ei voi reveni pentru reparatiile viitoare. Recomand!

      Alexandru Gavril

      Foarte rapid mi-au facut constatarea si repararea. Ii stiu de mult timp si nu am avut neplaceri. Sunt profi!

      Bela Gaspar
      For privacy reasons Google Maps needs your permission to be loaded. For more details, please see our GDPR POLICY – PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION.

      PHONE: +4 0757 081 773+4 0757 077 987

      Monday – Friday 08 – 17;
      Saturday, Sunday – close

      Traian Vuia str. No.25A, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania